Guitar Hero World Tour (left), Rock Band 2 (right)
Long title but straight to the point.
Sony has brokered a deal as an intermediary between the developers of titles that include Rock Band 2, Guitar Hero: World Tour, and Rock Revolution for instruments to be compatiable across all three games for the Playstation 3.
“We have been working closely with Neversoft and Activision, Harmonix and Konami to ensure that PlayStation 3 guitars and drum sets will all feature a basic level of gameplay compatibility.”
“We’re still working hard to ensure compatibility between the Guitar Hero and Rock Band titles currently on the market.”
“We hope to have an announcement on that shortly.”
– Sony Computer Entertainment PR Director, Michael Shorrock
Shorrock explained that the drum kit and guitar from Guitar Hero World Tour will be compatiable with Rock Band 2 and vice versa. Drums and guitars from both Guitar Hero: WT and Rock Band 2 will function with Rock Revolution as well. Rock Revolution’s drum kit will work with both titles.
Microphones from SingStar will also work with Rock Band 2 and Guitar Hero World Tour.