So your Rock Band songs are on your Rock Band disc, ew, don’t touch it after you’ve purchased Rock Band 2 right? Well that certainly is the mentality. There’s this certain way you have to do it, and this is for the Xbox 360 version, although you’d think it would be similar for the PS3 version.
) On the day Rock Band 2 is released, Rock Band 1 will receive a title update. That update will add an “export” command in the RB1 menu.
2) Hit “export” and you’ll need to enter a password, which you get with your copy of RB2. Enter the password and you have to pay. Harmonix promise it won’t be more than $5.
3) Pay the $5 (or less), and your RB1 songs (well…the ones on the disc…and the ones they’re allowed to port over, as Harmonix can’t guarantee that all songs will be available) will be transferred to your HDD.
So that’s how you’ll be “porting” your songs, better than swapping discs? Or would you rather swap discs than pay some kind of money?