To save us alot of time and energy, we decided to put all of our media coverage for these three NamcoBandai titles into one post as it would be more accessible towards the readers in the end.
New screenshots of the Tri-Crescendo RPG Playstation 3 port, Eternal Sonata have been released in stunning detail and none different from its Xbox 360 counterpart, to which it was once exclusive. The PS3 demo was released earlier last week however the titles release is slated for a tentative “Fall 2008.”
Afro Samurai, the anime adaptation in development in the American NamcoBandai offices, has brought new screenshots. Featuring the voiceovers of Samuel L. Jackson, Ron Perlman and Kelly Hu and a soundtrack by The RZA of the Wu Tang Clan, the title will arrive on Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 on January 27 of 2009.
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World is set to arrive to North America this November. In order to celebrate the imminent Wii release, the company has also sent over a batch of screenshots detailing the Wii sequel from the GameCube original. The title will arrive on November 11th.