After peeling myself away from a walkthrough of Tales of Symphonia 2, I saw that earthbounding had a new video…
What we learn:
–New Zelda Wii will be shown next year at E3 (confirmed by Aonuma-san)
–He also revealed some new info about the game and talked about an idea that could change the series entirely. The idea? It is not known just what it is at this time, but we will know when E3 2010 comes
–When asked how different New Zelda Wii will be from past games, Aonuma-san said that if we followed the same structure again and again, long time fans will not be surprised. This contradicts what Miyamoto has said before.
–Is it possible that Aonuma and Miyamoto have a little rivalry? (i.e. Aonuma wanting a very different Zelda, and Miyamoto saying “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it?”
–Aonuma also mentioned that Team Zelda is working on shaking up the “explore field, beat dungeon, rinse, lather, repeat” pacing. Twilight Princess DID do this to a degree by bringing some action onto the field (eg. the fight at Eldin Bridge, missions in the Hidden Village, and the river and snowboarding sequences) New Zelda Wii could have more sequences like this
–Aonuma-san has looked at fan speculation, and was surprised that they were right on several things, including the Master Sword being. This means the girl being in the picture is, in fact, the Master Sword.
–On the Wii Motion Plus front, Aonuma-san has confirmed one on one swordfighting, but whether or not it is first person is unknown at this time.
–Switching perspectives for every fight would be annoying, but according to earthbounding, a first person Zelda is very possible given what is outlined above. How it would work is another question entirely.
–In the latest Nintendo financial briefing, Miyamoto mentioned that Team Zelda is working on great graphics for New Zelda Wii–Miyamoto wants the game to be realistic in every respect.
–According to Mario’s VA, Link will not speak in New Zelda Wii, and likely will never speak in any Zelda game.
–The fact that New Zelda Wii will be at E3 next year also confirms a 2011 release (since Mario and Metroid were shown this year and will be released next year)
–Although some analysts predict that New Zelda Wii will come next year, all this new info renders that impossible, if not very unlikely.
–As for the “new idea”, you may be able to figure it out from what Aonuma has said about it: The structure will be shaken up, you will see it at E3 2010.
So what do you think it is? I can hardly wait myself!
Stay tuned for more info as I find it.
Happy gaming,

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