Today marks the three year anniversary of MonsterVine, a website that I hold near and dear to my heart. Not only because it’s the site I write for, but for giving me the opportunity to get a foot in the door of the industry I love.
I have not even contributed to MonsterVine for a year yet, (my anniversary with MonsterVine is at the end of December), but I have already had an extraordinary experience with the site. Going to events and seeing a game early is a fun experience, but writing a preview and informing gamers of the exciting games and features coming is such an exciting experience, I smile every time I publish a preview. I love to share what I have seen with people who are equally passionate about video games. It’s a relationship that I only wish to continue to grow with readers over the course of my career in the video game industry.
MonsterVine has helped me become more knowledgeable of the intricacies of the industry, something anyone looking for a job in the video game industry should learn. It can all feel overwhelming, just like any media job in the world, but the process has been smooth in my time with MonsterVine. My confidence has grown while being with this site, along with my sense of belonging in the video game industry, and that sense of belonging has been one of my best feelings to date.
I will always be thankful for MonsterVine, and always cite this wonderful small and independent publication as the main reason I land future jobs in the video game industry.
Happy third birthday MonsterVine, and here’s to another three years.
-Trevor Stamp