It’s Friday! Before you go out and party the weekend away, catch up with all your MonsterVine content with this week’s weekly news round-up. We skipped last week, so we have a few extra items for you this week.
Today is a special day for MonsterVine as we celebrate our third anniversary. Be sure to sing us happy birthday in the comments.
Check out the reviews below:
Battlefield 3 Review – Dust and Sparkles
SparklingBlue Plays Mario and Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games
Check out our preview below:
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Preview: Facing A Dragon is No Joke
Check out our podcast below:
MonsterVine Podcast: Battlefield 3, Dark Souls, Blizzcon, Extra-Life
Check out our blog below:
Coming Soon: Classic Games That Never Were
Classic Games That Never Were #1: Sword of Eternity
Check out the news below:
Previously on Assassins Creed…
Asura’s Wrath Pre-Order Incentives, Box Art Detailed
Countdown to a Legend: Penny Arcade to Make Skyward Sword Comic
Making of Risen 2: Dark Waters – #1
Rayman Origins Now Available In Stores
Strategy MMO, Dungeon Overlord Launches
Scene It? Movie Night: Mega Movies Releases November 30th, PSN/XBLA Title
Like Killing Zombies? You’re in luck! Dead Island DLC Next Week
Skyrim Makes Big Bucks This Week
Metal Gear Solid Rising Teaser
PlayStation 3 Turns Five Today
Super Mario Kart Comes to Life!
VGA Nominees Announced, Legend of Zelda Honored
New Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots
Happy Gaming and Happy Birthday MonsterVine!