The power went out in Los Angeles so I’m fulfilling the news round-up duties for Mr. Stamp this week as we sort out all the tree falling shenanigans over there. This week saw the surprise confirmation of Xenoblade Chronicles, an Obsidian developed South Park RPG, and a media blitz of Final Fantasy XIII-2 coverage.
Check out the blog below:
Classic Games That Never Were #3: Mystic of Eternity
Check out the news below:
Victini to Be Offered At the Premiere of Pokemon Movie 14
Call of Duty Elite “Play Together Better” Trailer
Digital Reality Announces Bang Bang Racing, A Family Fun Racer
L.A. Noire Creator Reveals Whore of the Orient In Production
Assassins Creed: Revelations X Final Fantasy 13-2 Has Finally Come True
Konami and Inxile Partner to Release Choplifter HD This Winter
Zackary Levi to Host 2011 Spike Video Game Awards
New Gotham City Impostors Animated Spot
Square-Enix and GameStop give Power to the Players of FFXIII-2
Final Fantasy XIII-2: Battle of Valhalla Trailer
New Final Fantasy XIII-2 Screenshots
Final Fantasy XIII-2: Enhanced Battle System Trailer
FFXIII-2′s North American version gets the Collector’s Edition treatment
Konami Unveils New Website for Birds of Steel
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 – The Vet & The n00b Trash Talk
NeverDead Launches January 31, 2012
Xenoblade Chronicles Releasing North America in Spring 2012