Square Enix has announced the release of THEATRHYTHM: Final Fantasy in stores today for North America and is the first title for the Nintendo 3DS to offer add-on content.
Spanning 25 years of Final Fantasy, THEATRHYTHM has over 70 musical scores from key events, field themes, and battles. The first DLC includes:
1. “Battle Theme 1” (FINAL FANTASY II)
2. “The Final Battle” (FINAL FANTASY IV)
3. “Fighters of the Crystal” (FINAL FANTASY XI)
4. “Fighting Fate” (FINAL FANTASY XIII)
5. “In Search of Light” (FINAL FANTASY V)
6. “Cosmo Canyon” (FINAL FANTASY VII)
8. “A Fleeting Dream” (FINAL FANTASY X)
Each track is available for $0.99.