The week is over and there’s only three days left until you can get your hands on Borderlands 2. Now is the time to finish up your backlog of games before the first of many Fall juggernauts releases next Tuesday. But before you do that, check out this week’s MonsterVine news round up.
Along with your daily dose of news, we a couple of PAX previews, and some news on Wii U pricing and its release date.
Kenny enters virtual reality with the Oculus Rift to bring you a preview of the headset that’s turning heads…literally:
PAX 2012: Oculus Rift Preview – So Immersive, It’ll Make You Sick
Austin explored the Sony booth at PAX 2012 and stumbled upon an odd app for the PS Vita. Check out his preview of Frobisher Says:
PAX 2012: Frobisher Says Preivew – Vita Killer App
Check out the news below:
Massive Indie Game Bundle At Gamersgate
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron DLC Packs Trailer
Omerta City of Gangsters Combat Screenshots
New Little King’s Story Releases October 2nd
First Gameplay Trailer for Akaneiro: Demon Hunters
Double Dragon Neon Soundtrack Available for Free
Transformers Prime Screenshots
Bayonetta 2 coming exclusively to Wii U
Nintendo Reveals Over 50 Games Coming to the Wii U Console
Nintendo Wii U Launch Confirmed for Nov 18, Starts at $299
Activsion shows off Black Ops 2 for Wii U
Nintendo brings on-demand video with TVii
Side-Scroller Fractured Soul Arrives on the eShop Today
Hearts of Iron III: Their Finest Hour Custom Map Video
Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of the Frozen City Screenshots
Happy Gaming!