Friday is here and that means it’s time for the MonsterVine weekly news round-up.
Along with your daily dose of news, we have a few reviews for you to check out, as well as a special charity event our very own Austin Adamson is participating in right now.
James Bond video games haven’t garnered the same amount of success since Goldeneye for the Nintendo 64, which still barely managed to capture the Bond experience. It’s impact is hardly felt amongst modern military shooters that have taken over the FPS market. Yet here we are with the recent release of 007 Legends, the latest Bond title from Eurocom and Activision. Check out Diego Escala’s review to see what he thinks of Bond’s latest video game outing:
We could all use a little dancing in our lives. It’s a fun workout and lets people feel the music in a whole new way. Better yet, if you and a group of your friends suck at it, than it just looks funny to everyone.
Luckily dancing games are designed for the elite dancers, recreation/casual dancers and the “I’m totally alone in my room, so no one can see how bad I am at dancing” dancers. Diego finds out which group he falls into this week to bring you his review of Just Dance 4:
Last week Austin Adamson brought you a preview for Ravaged, the first title from 2 Dawn Games. This week, we have a review of the game. Find out what Austin thinks of this new FPS shooter that aims to bring back the basics of the tried and true genre:
Ravaged Review – Simple Multiplayer Fun
This week, Austin is participating in the Extra Life charity event. Extra Life is a 24 hour gaming marathon aimed to raise money for Children’s Hospitals across the nation. The official date was last weekend, but Austin is participating in one of the make-up dates.
Check out the following link to to find out how you can watch his live stream and if you can, donate to this great cause:
Feature – Austin is Gaming for Charity This Friday
Check out the news below:
Frobisher Says, Coming to US Oct. 23 for Free
Omerta – City of Gangsters Box Art
Hitman Absolution Disguises Trailer
Dishonored Upcoming DLC Detailed
Hitman Absolution Hollywood Cast
Happy Gaming!