The week is over, and it’s been a crazy one. Sony announced the Playstation 4 this week, and although they haven’t announced a price point or unveil the console itself, Sony has given the industry a look at their hopes of the future of next generation consoles. Be sure the check out the weekly round-up this week to get a look at some of the titles expected to released for the PlayStation 4.
Along with your daily dose of news, we have two reviews and interview for you to check out.
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance was announced in 2009 as Metal Gear Solid: Rising. There was trouble in the development process,however, and Kojima Studios quietly canceled the project. The studio later searched for a new developer to work on the title,and the job was eventually given to Platinum Games. The game quickly turned into the high flying action title in the vein of Platinum’s previous projects, and began to build up hype again.
Now with the title out, fans can find out for themselves if the move over to Platinum Games was good one. Luckily for you, our own Diego Escala reviewed the game to give you his impressions of the Metal Gear spin-off. Read his review here:
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Review
Do you love button-masher brawlers like Dynasty Warriors and Warriors Orochi? If you do (and crazy just like me for jumping to play each installment of the Dynasty Warriors series), they you should check out Diego’s review of Fist of the North Star: Ken’s Rage 2, the latest title from Tecmo Koei:
Fist of the North Star: Ken’s Rage 2 Review
Austin Adamson recently interviewed John Day, producer with Avalanche Studio which is the team behind Disney Infinity. Check out the interview here to learn some more details behind Disney’s latest ambitious project that is showing early signs of an impressive run:
Check out the news below:
Murdered: Soul Suspect Reveal Trailer
Tomb Raider Survival Combat Trailer
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Confirmed for PS4
Watch_Dogs Coming to PS3 and PS4
Painkiller Hell & Damnation DLC + Collector’s Edition Screenshots
Happy Gaming!