Before you hit the weekend at full force, make sure to check out the MonsterVine weekly round-up of news and featured content this week. I, once again, am filling in for Trevor and would be delighted to walk you through our content for the week of April 12, 2013.
Besides your daily dose of news, we have two reviews for you to check out.
Since Bioshock Infinite reveal in 2010, gamers all over the internet have been clamoring for Ken Levine’s next game. That time has finally arrived and we don’t hold you back any longer so ‘would you kindly’ click the link below for the final word from Diego Escala:
With new enhancements and addition content to improve the original Ninja Gaiden 3, Razor’s Edge should be a knock out of the park right? Find out in Diego’s comprehensive review of the action heavy ninja game for the Playstation 3:
Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge Review
Check out the news below:
Metal Gear Rising – Jetstream Sam DLC
Batman: Arkham Origins Revealed