It’s time to dig into another edition of the MonsterVine weekly round-up. With PAX East and GDC behind us, the game industry has between now and June to prepare for E3 2013.
Besides your daily dose of news, we have a preview and a review for you to check out.
While Monster Hunter fits in the cult hit section of a video game store here in the United States, the game is hugely popular in Japan, with good reason. The long running series has finally made it to the Nintendo Wii U and 3DS, and brought with all of its good traits. Check out Diego Escala’s review to see why Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is a solid entry for newcomers and veterans alike:
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Review
Developer The Behemoth began teasing BattleBlock Theater back in 2009. The team has finally released their long awaited follow-up to Castle Crashers, and Austin Paul Adamson got a chance to check it out during PAX East. While we don’t have a review yet, Austin spent a lot of time with the game to give you a detailed preview
PAX East 2013 – BattleBlock Theater
Check out the news below:
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Trailer
XCOM: Enemy Unknown Coming to iOS
New Borderlands 2 Vault Hunter Incoming
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Trailer Revealed
Thief – Out of Shadows Trailer
BattleBlock Theater – Special Unlocks
Happy Gaming!