On Today’s episode of MonsterMonday watch me struggle while playing the Hearthstone beta.
Hearthstone is a digital card game featuring characters and creatures from Blizzard’s WarCraft series. Now that I have a beta key I can slam digital cards together and mostly lose a lot at the game.
I don’t regularly play any physical card game but so far I have found my time with Hearthstone to be very engaging and great for killing some time and relaxing after work.
Expect the live stream to start at 7pm PT and last for at least an hour. It will go longer depending on the interest of YOU, the viewers and depending on how frustrated I get with all of the losing I will be doing. If things do start getting ugly, I will switch over to the newly released Just Cause 2 Multiplayer Mod instead to participate in some frustration free chaos.
You can watch from this page (or any past MonsterMonday page if you feel like being weird) via the embed below
EDIT: Inserted YouTube archive instead of Twitch page:
or just head over to http://www.twitch.tv/apadamson and participate in the chat.

Pingback: Hearthstone Enters Open Beta Today - MonsterVine