I spent a good chunk of time digging around the Internet to find a solution to play “Broken Age” from my couch, and the best way to do that is with a Wiimote. Check out my guide!
I thought it would be awesome to play this game from my couch with my living room PC, and was bummed to find out that there is no native controller support.
I determined that a Wii remote would be an awesome way to play a classic adventure game like Broken Age and remembered that GlovePie (a tool for using a Wiimote on a PC) exists.
Knowing next to nothing about programming I started looking for existing scripts for GlovePie to be able to use my Wiimote via IR inputs. I want to POINT my Wiimote and CLICK on things on screen.
After a few hours of searching, lots of trial & error and a plate of nachos, I finally got things working. Here’s how:
- Windows 8.1 64bit
- GlovePie v0.45
- Bluetooth dongle (I am using this one)
- Wii Remote *Without Motion Plus* (I couldn’t get GlovePie/Win8 to connect w/motion plus devices)
- Nunchuck (used for screen size calibration setup)
- GlovePie Script designed for Resident Evil games by “mucka” (found here originally) slightly modified for Broken Age
- Wii Sensor Bar (or alternative solution)
Make Sure your Sensor Bar has power and is placed above/below your TV. I Just used the one already in place for my Wii U and turned the Wii U on.
Pair your Wiimote with Windows:
Right click the BT icon in your system tray > Add Device
Go through pairing process, if it asks for passcode leave blank and just click next.
I had a lot of issues getting GlovePIE/Windows to consistently recognize my controller. All 4 blue lights will continue to flash once the Wiimote is paired, until GlovePIE sends a signal to do something differently.
Prepare GlovePIE:
Extract GlovePie’s Zip to a single folder
Run PIEFree.exe
Paste script into GlovePie (or write your own and share it here if it works!)
Save the script wherever you’d like to make running it again easier.
BROKEN AGE GLOVE PIE SCRIPT <—-Go here & copy the script!
Run GlovePIE Script:
Click ‘Run’ in GlovePIE. Wiimote lights should stop flashing and the only the first light should be lit.
Use the nunchuck plugged into the Wiimote to calibrate your screen for the IR Wiimote input
Move mouse cursor with nunchuck to top left and press “B” button
Move mouse cursor with nunchuck to top right and press “B”
Move mouse cursor with nunchuck to bottom right and press “B”
Move mouse cursor with nunchuck to bottom left and press “B”
Once the calibration is complete you can remove the nunchuck and use the Wiimote by itself. It should take less than 10 seconds before you are able to control your mouse cursor with the Wiimote. If it doesn’t work something went wrong, try again. Troubleshooting suggestions below.
If you have control of the cursor congratulations! Start Broken Age, sit back on your sofa, or your bed and celebrate not having to hunch over a keyboard and mouse! Showcase this beautiful game in the center of your home on your largest display!
Aim cursor by pointing, press “A” button to issue command (replaces MOUSE MOVEMENT and LEFT CLICK)
press “minus” button to skip a scene (replaces SPACEBAR)
press “plus” button to open inventory (replaces “I” KEY)
press “home” button to bring up menu (replaces “ESCAPE” KEY)
You can customize the controls by changing the last few lines in the GlovePIE script.
mouse.leftbutton = wiimote.A
Key.Space = Wiimote.Minus
Key.I = Wiimote.Plus
Key.Escape = Wiimote.Home
- Have you tried turning it off and on again? Reboot your PC. This fixed some bluetooth pairing issues I ran into a few times.
- Make sure your IR sensor bar has power and is working correctly. If you have it powered by your Wii U or Wii make sure that it works by testing with another Wiimote. When my Wii U would idle for too long it would stop powering the sensor bar until I turned on a paired Wiimote.
- Try unpairing your Wiimote from Windows and pair it again. It should be called something like “Nintendo RVL-CNT-01”
- Write your own script in GlovePIE! None of the existing “Wiimote IR Mouse” scripts I found would work, they controlled my mouse cursor but when I started Broken Age the in game cursor jumped all over the screen and was unusable.
- Check the thread I started on the Broken Age Forums: http://www.doublefine.com/forums/viewthread/12695/
Find me on Twitter, or post a reply here and I will try and help.
There is probably a much easier way to do this, if you have a method please share it! Adventure games are great to play with a Wiimote!