The Legendary Edition of Injustice 2 is worth the buy for anyone who missed out on last year’s best fighting game. The inclusion of every DLC character, every Premiere skin, exclusive gear items, and a new level cap make this a must-buy for fans of fighting games and/or comic books.
Injustice 2: Legendary Edition
Developer: Netherrealms Studio
Price: $59.99
Platforms: PS4 (reviewed), Xbox One
MonsterVine was provided with a PS4 copy for review.
For clarity, this review isn’t for Injustice 2 itself. I reviewed the core game last year (which you can check out here), and I stand by everything I said about the game a year ago. I even included Injustice 2 on my 2017 GOTY list, which should speak to its quality in my eyes. This review is simply for the Legendary Edition and the new content included in this package.
The biggest draw for Legendary Edition is its inclusion of every single DLC character released for Injustice 2. From DC Comics comes Atom, Starfire, Enchantress, Black Manta, and Red Hood, while Mortal Kombat’s Sub-Zero and Raiden represent Netherrealms Studio. Even non-DC comic icons like Hellboy and all four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are playable, which makes up for the lack of John Constantine. The number of unique characters that are immediately available in the Legendary Edition is a huge selling point, especially when combined with the Premiere skins.
Premiere skins are essentially costumes that change the appearance and voices for characters, making them entirely new characters with the same movesets. You can make Raiden into Black Lightning, Hal Jordan into John Stewart, or my personal favorite, Flash into Reverse-Flash, DC’s best villain (don’t @ me). Being able to play as Mr. Freeze or Vixen is a treat for comics fans, as a variety of comic favorites become playable without having to develop clones or new characters. Now, Enchantress could have had a John Constantine skin, but hey, I got Reverse Flash and Power Girl, I’m good.
The addition of an Augment slot and a higher level cap are nice touches, and I was more than happy to once again play as Captain Cold to hit the new cap. The Legendary Edition exclusive gear is overall well-designed, with a strong mix of comic-accurate suits and new, stylish threads. Earning gear is still addictive, and the Legendary Edition comes with in-game credits that can be used to get gear boxes. While I’m no fan of microtransactions, the cosmetic nature of these boxes’ contents makes this forgivable to me. And hey, at least you get enough credits to buy a bunch of free boxes.
The Final Word
The Legendary Edition of Injustice 2 includes more than enough to make it worth buying for newbies or fans of the base game. Getting so many diverse characters and skins already makes the Legendary Edition a steal, while the gameplay editions and quality of life upgrades just seal the deal. If you’ve waited until now to buy the game, or even if you just haven’t gotten any of the DLC characters, the Legendary Edition is the best way to play Injustice 2.
MonsterVine Rating: 5 out of 5 – Excellent