Lionhead have finally released that Fable II patch that they promised would come out in October. This patch will fix a whole host of problems that people (including my unfortunate self) stumbled across. As well as a few very minor bugs, here is the full list of issues that are no longer issues:
• The Ritual/Monk’s Quest — Fixed the issue with the Abbott becoming unresponsive if you leave Oakfield before he finishes talking. This will fix the problem if you’ve already hit it, too
• Rescuing Charlie/Rescue My Baby — after rescuing Charlie, you can now able to interact with objects
• Guild Cave chest — resolves any issues with previously inability to retrieve items unlocked from Limited Collector’s Edition, website or Chicken Kickin’ game. If you’ve already hit this bug you should now get your items
• The Spire (Pt2) — no more issues with ship captain being unresponsive
• The Hero of Skill (Pirate King) — you’ll no longer get stuck during Hero of Skill quest (Bloodstone)
• T.O.B.Y./Trouble In Bloodstone — you’ll no longer get stuck during T.O.B.Y. quests (Bloodstone)
• Your child — will no longer be chosen as an assassination target
• Furniture Shop in Albion (Bowerstone) will now always have something for sale
Finally. No more child killing? No more unresponsive NPCs? Sounds pretty good to me. Oh, and if you’re a grand adventurer, you’ll notice a certain new, yet-to-be fully released area has been mysteriously stitched onto your world map. This area of course will be available on 13th January.