Gearbox Software president Randy Pitchford revealed today at the Take 2 Press Conference new details to the upcoming post-apocalyptic shooter Borderlands.
Borderlands is categorized as a cooperative shooter featuring randomized weapons and level-based progression.
Gearbox is stating that Borderlands will be a RPS, a roleplaying shooter. A level bar, skill trees, story moments, and drop-in drop-out online play for up to four players
-The setting will take place on the planet Pandora.
-There are “Soldier” and “Hunter” classes.
-Dune buggies were demonstrated with two player co-op play, one is the driver while the other operates the turret to shoot at enemies.
-Vehicles are designed for co-op allowing players to switch positions instantaneously.
-A large level bar is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
-Characters are persistent. Higher level characters can jump into a lower level game created by friends.
-Skills are upgraded via software skill stations.
-Skill category examples include Gear and Physique. Examples of talents are increasing the number of grenades you can carry as well as increasing your reload speed.
-Over a half a million guns are randomly generated. One example included a revolver sniper rifle that spawned during the demonstration.
–Scratch that, there are in fact 653,000 weapons in game.
-Each gun is procedurally generated, each having statistics such as firepower, reload speed, and magazine size randomized.
-Examples of weapons features in the game include an electrical effect that explodes on contact, another will be able to melt faces off.
-Weapon attributes are shown through their appearance. For example, a gun that glows green indicates a power of face-melting poison.
-Proficencies exists for weapons such as “Assault Rifle proficency” that are upgraded by levels.
-Chest drops are also randomized.
-Game features prominent gore and limb loss. Dismemberment is one such feature.
-A cavernous mine “dungeon” was shown, with tribes of humanoid enemies to destroy.
-The game can often times switch into cutscenes that are relevant to the story.
-Dynamic music system.
-Alien wildlife, a mad-cow like animal was shown as one.
Developer walkthrough is shown as follows: part one, and part two, and part three.