Well, MLB 08 THE SHOW will allows you to upload videos straight to Youtube, which is brought to us by Google and will allow others to rate games you played and what not.
Next, Life with Playstation will be coming out before the end of the month, so expect some great news on that soon.
And for the first time ever, Sony Online Entertainment will show off DC Universe Online.
“Imaging creating your own Super Hero. Imagine how cool it would be to help Batman take down Joker. Imagine being a villain, or what it would be like to conspire with Lex Luther to take down Superman. You can stop imagining now, here’s a quick peak.”
The video is nice, shows a lot of classic heros and villains, to name just a few, Wonderwoman, the Joker, Superman, Flash, Green Lantern and Batman.
“The Future Awaits
The Next Legend
Is You.
“By now it should be clear we’ve got great income for people.”
With that said, the new 80GB PS3 will be their primary focus and it will have the same functionality as the current 40GB PS3, with an 80GB hard drive. It’ll be the same price at $399 and will be the “80GB Core Pack.” This will make it so that consumers will be ready to download movies, for other downloads and a whole lot more.
Also, the gap between the PS3 and its competitors is growing larger and larger everyday. How? Well there are some developers that bring insight, I won’t list who said what as the video went by too quickly to get all those names.
At first, the PS3 system was very new to some developers and teams, but now they look at it and they feel a lot more at home with it.
It allows for more AI and an overall better experience.
For Fallout, the SPU’s are very important to have so many things giong on at the same time.
The programming team that worked on Assassin’s Creed now working on Prince of Persia has a much easier way of doing things.
All the PS3’s have HDD’s, thus providing better speed times.
And Long Term, it’s great for people switching from the PS2 to the PS3 because of classics like Madden and other series being continued on the PS3.
There is still a lot of extra untapped potential, not even 80% of the SPU’s have been used.
They’re just scratching the surface with new features and functionalities, like Trophies and more things.
Alright, now there are 23 exclusives from first-party publishers. 10 of which are on BD’s and 13 of which are downloadable, it’s time to find out why 08 is the “Year of the PS3,” here they are:
Motorstorm: Pacific Rift
007 Quantum of Solace
SOCOM: Confrontation
Ghostbuster – The Video Game
Soul Calibur IV
Resistance 2
The Agency
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm
Mirror’s Edge
Resident Evil 5
Guitar Hero World Tour
NBA 09 The Inside
Buzz Quiz TV!
Killzone 2
Fallout 3
50 Cent
Yes, well, those were what was seen in the video and GoW III was officially announced by Jack Tretton and a new trailer was put up!
“In the beginning, there was chaos, our victory brought order to the land, prosperity to mankind, now that order is threatened.”
The walls have been breached and you get a face close-up,
“In the end, there will only be chaos.”
inFamous was also shown. The main character is the narator and a 6-block radius explosion destroyed everything and everything, except for one person – said main character. He has electricity powers and force-like powers, he asks if he should be consumed by this force or tame it. He jumps off a building and “Spring 2009” is shown on the screen.
And last, but definitely the biggest announcement, MAG. What’s MAG? Massive Action Game, hmm, what’s this? Well, it’s a game that is even a workout for the PS3! This is definitely not possible on any other console.
“There’s nothing like in on the market today.”
MAG is a new IP from Zipper Productions, “How massive” is it? It’s HUGE, it’s a 256-player game! It’ll only have realy players in the game and will be broken up into 8-player squads, with the highest and best soldiers leading the squads.
A trailer was shown, with Key Features being the 256-player games, the 8-player squads and the RTS-type feel with huge action everywhere.
“Chain of Command” is what seems to be a level you can choose and it has a great GUI and the ranking up system looks very promising. I think it’s safe to assume this game will have Trophy support. It more than likely will also have Rumble Support.
Also, there is a nice map system, sort of from above from a satelite. You can see huge armies with tanks, ground troopers, anti-tanks and huge fire fights everywhere. There are bomber planes and paratroopers that can land at anytime and the explosions are beautiful. The graphics on this game rival pre-rendered games, even if this is all pre-rendered, the graphics are stunningly beautiful!
Jack said that they introduced a 10-year process and life for consoles, this is only Year 2 for the PS3, if that’s what we get in Year 2, what will we get in Years 3 and 4? Great job Sony! Lovin’ these new features.
Also, a little side note – Killzone 2 is confirmed to have Trophies and not just added in, it will be in the core game and it’ll also have Rumble/SIXAXIS Support!