Fable 2 presents you with moral choices that you either react to positively or negatively which adversely has consquences.
The game begins you, the player, as a child and will be faced with a number of challenges, tasks, and choices that is said to greatly affect change in the future of its cities. An early quest in the game allows players to turn over arrest warrants to the authorities or to the criminal underground. Another involves exposing a secret love, helping a drunk get into a drinking program, or help guard a person’s livestock or destroy it.
In addition to environment, your choices whether they be good or bad affects their appearance and how villagers and townsfolk will react to them. So there’s alot of incentive to replay the game again and take different approaches to the same situation. A Lionhead representative noted that you’ll be able to “blaze” through the game in a matter of 12 hours. Exploration of the game’s “open world” can involve going over obstacles and following a “bread crumb trail” in order to reach your next objective.
The game’s combat involves three variations to approach – magic, ranged, and physical – each mapped to a face button. You can choose to mash your way to victory but there is also a deep complexity to this combat system. For example holding down the B button charges a magic attack, the longer you hold that button, the stronger the attack will be. You will be able to configure what spell can be triggered at each level such as a fast-cast fireball or a charged up wind attack. Blocking is trigged in similar fashion. Hit X to attack and hold that button with a corresponding one to block.
Fable 2 offers open gameplay that is limitless and often times you will find yourself with no real objective to do and it will still remain fun.
Fable 2 will release exclusively to the Xbox 360 this October.