Considered the greatest Metal Gear Solid game of all time, I’ll be the judge of that.
Hideo Kojima’s masterpiece comes to a highly climactic ending with the final installation to what some call the single greatest video game franchise ever created. But is it as great as some state? I’ll be taking an in depth look at the game to see if it meets the hype.
Per VGS custom, the game will be judged on the following:
- Graphics
- Sound
- Plot
- Gameplay
- Replay Value
- Time Spent
Graphics: 10
Right off the bat anyone with a brain stem can tell you that the graphics of this game is about as superior as it could possible get. Never before have I played any videogame and confused computer created characters to actual human beings. The environment around you is so flawless it looks more real than the characters. If there is any flaw in this game, it can’t be found in the graphics, I’ll tell you that.
Sound: 10
Whether it’s the dialogue, the explosions, even the wind blowing through the grass the sound is perfect.
Plot: 10
From my introduction you may have though I was going to bust on this game and give it poor marks, and while it may still be overrated, it receives a perfect score in the plot category as well. Without spoiling the game to the readers, I’ll say this: Throughout the game you keep playing not just to beat the game, but just to see what happens next. The story will keep you more hooked than any soap opera, TV drama, or movie ever had. Not only does it do a good job keeping you entertained, it completed it’s goal in tying in every single detail from every previous Metal Gear Solid game. Snake Eater made me confused as to what the point was other than a prequel, but in reality this game explains how nearly every aspect of that game directly affected Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2. The story is in one word: Perfect.
Gameplay: 7.5
Dear God, something didn’t get a perfect score? Unfortunately the gameplay just wasn’t up to specs. For one what should happen if you’re in a pinch and you run out of ammo? Be creative and attempt to try a new weapon you’re not accustomed to? Hell no, just hit pause and buy some more. Do you have to worry about hiding from the enemy like the other games? Of course not, simply lie down and you’ll automatically blend in to the environment, where as in Snake Eater you had to at least attempt to find the matching camo to wear. Beyond that, there are several battles that are impossible to win unless you know exactly what to do, which leads to players stuck on the same spot for hours. But one of the main reasons the gameplay’s a 7.5 is because the plot is a 10. While this game is indeed a masterpiece worthy of an Oscar, this is an example of too much of a good thing. The gameplay is completely overshadowed by cut-scenes that last five, ten, fifteen, possibly twenty minutes if you discount the few minutes of gameplay in between. Overall the gameplay is probably the weak point of this game.
Replay Value: 8.5
There’s really not much to add here. Storylinewise it is a perfect game that many will want to play again, just like watching their favorite movie again. Along with getting bonus items each time you beat the game, which makes it all the more enjoyable. However the benefits really end there, making it merely a decent game to play again.
Time Spent:7.5
Playing the game certainly is a semi time consuming activity, however as previously addressed in the Gameplay section the time spent playing seems very low when compared to the time spent watching. On a side note, the ending to what many consider should be the greatest video game franchise ever should be five times as long, as everyone’s begging for more, of course that’s unrealistic, purely an opinion, and the game did not receive any deductions for that. However, fantasy never ending games aside, it really wasn’t as long as it could have been, as the five acts can be sped through in a matter of days, considering one does not play nonstop, should one play nonstop, he could most likely finish it within one.
Overall Score: 9.5
Overall Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is indeed a fun game, however it is not a perfect game, but it came very, very close.
July 28, 2008 at 3:11 pm
What did you think of Metal Gear Online, or the supposed multiplayer addition to the MGS4 game?
July 28, 2008 at 6:45 pm
Though technically MGO is a part of MGS4 it’s really a separate game that can be bought on it’s own.
July 28, 2008 at 9:27 pm
Did you know IGN Gave MGS4 a Marvelous 10? :p
I can see where you’re going with the Gameplay part, but I haven’t played through all of it to really test that.
July 29, 2008 at 12:29 am
Yeah, I was wondering if you were going to cover MGO as part of the review, but this will suffice.