The Electronic Entertainment Expo, despite its recent changes, has provided the gaming audience with moments where you would be proud to be a gamer. Here are the top seven from me provided in video form of where a press conference truly catered to their audience and delivered a massive reaction.
7. Killzone 2 [E3 2005]
Touted for its emotional presentation and the first time that the Playstation 3 was demonstrated to the gaming audience, it blew the minds of gamers to see a glimpse of next generation graphics and gameplay. Of course, it was pre rendered, but it made us BELIEVE…
6. Halo 2 [E3 2003]
Halo was already a household name for Xbox owners. The sequel was expected to surpass the original and Microsoft put their expectations on Bungie to deliver a demonstration for E3 2003. And they did with a breathtaking look at the single player campaign.
5. Final Fantasy VII Tech Demo [E3 2005]
Square-Enix and Sony were in sync with the RPG audience. So during the conference where the potential of the Playstation 3 was revealed, S-E demonstrated the future of the next generation role playing genre with no more than a fan acclaimed favorite Final Fantasy 7. And we’re still waiting to this day if a remake will be true for the Playstation 3. They already created the FF7 Compilation, so anything is possible!
4. Super Smash Bros. Brawl [E3 2006]
Another iteration of the Super Smash Bros franchise was heading to the newly announced Nintendo “Wii” at the time and this time new characters were introduced much to the fans excitement. Characters such as Pit from Kid Icarus, Metaknight from the Kirby series, debut of Zero Suit Samus which had fanboys stunned, as well as Wario. But none of these characters struck the chord of the Nintendo audience like Solid Snake. That’s right, Solid Snake was coming to Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
3. Sony Press Conference [E3 2006]
Well we were pretty positive about press conferences until this point. We had to give the third spot to the folks over at Sony for providing the gaming audience with an abysmal and disappointing presentation. Coming of the hype of the last conference, 2006 told the reality of the Playstation 3, games that were shown previously were not ready for release, its embarrasing price point, and the infamous “RIDGE RACER” and “Giant Enemy Crab” meme that still haunts Sony to this day.
2. Super Mario Galaxy [E3 2006]
In contrast, Nintendo during the same year revealed an epic megaton when they announced the name of “Wii” as the new name of the Nintendo console. But even so, it was the support of its first party lineup that shined through. Titles such as The Legend of Zelda Twlight Princess, Metroid Prime 3: Corrpution, and the unveiling of Super Mario Galaxy sealed the deal for Nintendo’s gutsy approach towards gaming with the Wiimote and nunchuck peripheral.
1. Legend of Zelda Unveiled [E3 2004]
It was the first year of the Regginatior. He promised to ward off the troubles of Nintendo by “kicking ass, taking names, and making games.” And truly so, he did deliver with a remarkable presentation that left gamers confident about the future of Nintendo towards the very end…where the optly timed Legend of Zelda trailer kicked in much recieved to the people in the audience who were absolutely floored. To top it off, Miyamoto’s appareance towards the end demonstrated that the future was once again bright for Nintendo, swordswinging and all.