is reporting that Ubisoft’s upcoming shooter Far Cry 2 isn’t going to see a demo release, according to creative director Clint Hocking. Hocking has informed Eurogamer that a Far Cry 2 demo is out of the question, citing the open ended nature of the game as the reasoning behind the decision.
“One reason is, even if we were to give out what you played today – even if we put invisible walls around it and said, here’s the demo, you can go anywhere you like inside these walls and play it how you want – that’s potentially right there eight-to-ten hours of gameplay. I don’t know too many people who are willing to give away a 12-hour game for free.” – Clint Hocking
I understand his point, but it’s still a shame. Read the full article here.
Far Cry 2 is expected to be released on Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and PC this Fall.