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Ask SB: Why the -sama?

If you’ve read my posts, you know that whenever I mention one of the Japanese heavyweights (examples: Miyamoto, Kondo, Uematsu, Iwata, Mitsuda, etc.) I tack on the honorific -sama. Ever wonder what that word means?

For the uninitiated, Japanese uses words called honorifics. To quote Wikipedia:

An honorific is a word or expression that conveys esteem or respect when used in addressing or referring to a person. “Honorific” may refer broadly to the style of language or particular words or grammatical markings used in this way, including words used to express honor to one perceived as a social superior. Sometimes the term is used not quite correctly to refer to a title of honor (honorary title).

-Sama, then, is the honorific used to show great respect to someone. By reffering to Japanese gaming heavyweights like this, it means that I have a great respect for the person in question.

So now you know why you see things like “Miyamoto-sama” in my writings.

Happy gaming,

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