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SB’s Gaming Memories: A Birthday for the (Oracle of) Ages

When my sweet sixteenth began looming on the calendar, a car was nowhere to be found on my wish list. I wanted something smaller, was far less expensive, and required zero training: the then-new Zelda games Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons. Since I knew I would have better odds of receiving a game if I asked for one, I decided to go with Ages.

Did I ever go crazy dropping hints!

I listened to the music (I still love Nayru’s song), I left Wal-Mart ads open to the pages advertising them, I followed the development process…and even begged family members to get me a copy.

My birthday arrived, and the entire family came. The party was a bit late in starting because the cake and dinner had yet to arrive when all were present. But when it did come, the birthday song was sung, and it was time to open the presents, I was first presented with one of those neon paper filing binders.

I took a peek inside and saw The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages stashed in the large pocket, and the strategy guide neatly tucked in one of the paper holders. Needless to say, both items were immediately put to use. (I had made sure to pack my GBC just in case I got it)

I got Seasons later for Christmas…and I have finished both while being linked both ways. (Doing Ages-Seasons first is easier)

I still wonder how my ever creative family would wrap a Wii and TP…

Happy gaming,

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