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SB’s Gaming Memories: The Aisle That Plays with Power!

Most of my early games were bought at the local Toys R Us, located about 15-20 minutes away from where I lived. Out of all the toys and games present, I could always tell where the video games were thanks to a special sign.

It hung over the entrance to the video game section and proclaimed something to the effect of “Welcome to the World of Nintendo!”, with the Ninty logo promenently displayed. But this was no ordinary static logo–every few minutes, it would glow, “sparkle” (really just a lot of lights), “shine” (again, more lights), flash solid for a moment, then do everything in reverse before fading to normal and reseting itself for the next cycle. The whole process took about 5-10 minutes, and occured at pretty regular intervals (although what those intervals were escapes me now), and you could see it from anywhere in the store. So every time we went, I would usually nestle myself inside the game aisle and watch the sign go through its light show whilst playing the displays.

I wonder, why can’t they have a shining Wii logo like that?

Until then, happy gaming;

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