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The Movie and The Anime: Keys to making them successful

If a hot series grows popular enough, The TV Series/The Anime or The Movie are bound to follow. With the bevy of game movie and TV show headlines on today’s Newswire, I can’t help but ask you all: If your favorite game series got The Anime or The Movie, what would you most want to see transpire?

A few things do need to happen to make a good The Movie/The Anime:

Hey, I Know You!

For a good game movie or anime to work, a good portion of the characters the fans grew familiar with in the game should be there. New faces are all well and good, but fans ultimately want the familiar. In short, don’t throw out the familiar in the name of trying something new.

And Then What Happened?

Plot is another sticky issue. One group of fans wants to see Event A happen onscreen, another group wants Event B to happen, and still another wants an animated version of what already exists (the game) to be shown. At the same time, you want the plot to be believeable in the context of the game’s world. (case in point of what NOT to do in this regard: the Mario movie.) Most game animes I have seen take place at a time before the existing story or some time after the existing story. Retelling the existing events can work as well, provided you’re not straight up rehashing what is already known. If the existing source didn’t have much plot to begin with, then it’s okay to make a plot from scratch.

What Else?

So what else should a good game based anime or movie have? Drop me a comment and tell me.

Happy gaming,

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