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Guitar Hero/Rock Band: The Movie (SB’s version), part 1

And now, the first part of my imagined Guitar Hero/Rock Band: The Movie…get some popcorn and enjoy!

Part 1

(We open on a scene of a crowd of people overlooking a stage. After a few seconds of the credits rolling and some roadies setting up, we see four sillhouettes on the dark stage.)

(Suddenly, spotlights begin coming up on the four sillhouettes. The first one illuminates a blond haired boy behind a drum set. The drum intro from Rock Band plays as his name, Damien, and his face are sillhouetted against the Rock Band drum icon)

(The second spotlight appears on an auburn haired girl with a bass guitar. The bass intro from Rock Band plays as her name, Iris, and her face are sillhouetted against the Rock Band bass icon)

(The third spotlight appears on a brown haired boy with an electric guitar. The guitar intro from Rock Band plays as his name, Matt, and his face are sillhouetted against the Rock Band guitar icon)

(The final spotlight appears on a black haired girl holding a mic. The vocals intro from Rock Band plays as her name, Twila, and her face are sillhouetted against the Rock Band mic icon)

MC: Let’s hear it for the Estrellas, everyone! (the crowd roars as the title appears: Rock Band: The Movie)

(Twila and the band perform “We Got the Beat” as the rest of the opening credits roll, in a manner very reminiscent of the actual Rock Band game. When the song ends, we focus on Twila for a moment as she speaks.)

Twila(voiceover): This is me, Twila Ruiz. If you’d told us last year that we’d be a super famous rock band with a record deal, tour dates, tons of adoring fans, and all that stuff; we would’ve laughed at you.

(We see more of the cheering crowd before we fade to a scene of Twila in the library on a college campus)

Twila(voiceover): In fact, we would’ve told you it would never happen–but Iris is not known for taking “no” as an answer.

(At this, the auburn haired girl makes a flying leap into the chair next to Twila, scattering papers everywhere)

Twila: Geez, Iris; does everything need to be a big production? (she gathers up the papers from the floor)

Iris: What gives, Twila? Can’t I have a little fun?

Twila: Yeah, but now’s not the place to have fun…did you get the books we need for our paper?

Iris: I did that, and then some. (gestures to a stack of books high enough to nearly touch the ceiling. Twila’s annoyed grimace turns into an impressed smile.)

Twila: Look at this! This’ll be more than enough to fill 15 pages on the history of Japanese literature!

Iris: Anything for my idol!

Twila: Oh, speaking of singing, our date for karaoke at the entertainment center is still on?

Iris: Course it is! And the faster we get this research done, the sooner we can go!

(With that, the two girls set to work)

(We fade to the scene of a streetcorner later that night, where the many neon lights of the entertainment center light up the night. Iris and Twila go inside, bypass the numerous video games, air hockey tables, and Skee Ball ramps towards a small stage. The sign marked “Karaoke” indicates this is where patrons can sing karaoke for a small fee.)

(After depositing the required 5 game coins for 5 songs, Twila and Iris step on stage)

Twila: Thanks for taking me out tonight, girl.

Iris: It’s on me! I figured you needed a break after all those papers you’ve been doing.

Twila: That’s all I ever seem to be doing lately…papers, papers, and more papers. (she starts cycling through the karaoke deck’s song list)

Iris: Is that bad?

Twila: One or two every so often, fine, I can do that. But every other day? No thanks!

Iris: Agreed.

Twila: It’s gotten to the point where I almost can’t sing anymore!

Iris: So singing is what you really want to do?

Twlia: Yeah! It’s just…I wish there wasn’t so much writing involved. (she selects a song)

Iris: Why not kiss the campus goodbye, form a band, and hit the road for Moonvale?

Twila: Kiss the campus goodbye, not yet…graduation day’s too close. The rest of that, not happening.

Iris: How do you know it won’t until we try?

Twila: You’ve heard the rumors coming out of Moonvale? They say that there’s this one band that has an iron grip on the music scene, and any competition to them is stamped out. Even the record companies and the cops are scared to do anything!

Iris: Whoa…you go ahead and sing while I think about those rumors.

Twila: Okay then…

(Twila sings “Roam” for the crowd. At first, no one is watching, but as the song goes on, more and more people come to watch. When she finishes, the crowd roars with applause)

Iris: No matter how many times I hear you, Twila; your voice never fails to amaze me! You sure you don’t wanna make a career singing in a band?

(The question makes Twila bristle, but before she says anything she knows she’d regret, she sighs)

Twila: You’d be willing to go up against the band with an iron fist on Moonvale’s music industry?

Iris: If we manage to kick’em out, the world will notice!

Twila: You realize it’ll be easier said than done…

Iris: I know that! But I also know the right people can knock those guys off their high horses!

Twila: And just what are you contributing to this idea?

Iris: I play bass!

(Twila is shocked at this)

Twila: You play an instrument?

Iris: Yeah.

Twila: And this is a real instrument, not those cheap plastic ones that come bundled with video games? (we see a group of patrons playing Rock Band in one corner, illustrating Twila’s point)

Iris: It is the real deal!

(Twila sighs–she hasn’t counted on going along with one of Iris’s crazy schemes)

Twila: So, me on vocals… (she starts cycling through the song list again) you on bass… (we see one of the Rock Band players playing bass) All we need now is a guitar player and a drummer…

To Be Continued…

Stay tuned for part 2!

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