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Guitar Hero/Rock Band: The Movie (SB’s version), part 4

Welcome to the theater, cause it’s time for part 4 of my imagined Guitar Hero/Rock Band movie.

Part 4

(We return to the house Matt and Damien share to find Damien reading the account of the drag race earlier in the newspaper)

Damien: And another band never makes it to Moonvale thanks to Thunder Rising…

(Matt looks over at the newspaper and grimaces at the story, but smiles with relief when he gets to the bottom of the page)

Matt: The good news was, that band lived!

Damien: That’s true, but I wonder if we’re gonna be the first to kick the bucket when we leave for Moonvale for Spring Break. (Matt swallows hard at this)

Matt: We’re really going, right?

Damien: Yeah…Iris and I found a great deal on a motel there, so we have lodging covered. We’ll all chip in for gas, food, and drinks; and we can take the van I usually reserve for road trips.

Matt: Like our road trip to the mountains last year?

(flashback of Matt and Damien in a blue van winding up a mountain path)

Damien: That’s the one!

Matt: Maybe if we find Thunder Rising patrolling the roads, they just presume us to be tourists.

Damien: And to further add to the tourist ruse, we can stash the drums, amps, and mics in a trailer–but they’ll think a motorcycle or Jet Ski’s in there.

Matt: Great idea!

Damien: Thing is, we have a month between now and Spring Break, so if we wanna write some original material, now’s the time.

Matt: Speaking of the band, want to see if the girls are availiable for practice?

Damien: Sure. (he picks up the phone and dials a number)

(The scene fades to Iris and the boys in the practice room)

Matt: Twila’s on her way?

Iris: Yeah–her class let out late…but now to business. Have you two come up with original material?

Matt: Just a few ideas… (he shoves a few sheets of paper before Iris)

(Iris studies each sheet intently, before raising an eyebrow at one sheet)

Iris: I like the bass riff in here… (she reaches for her instrument and starts playing the riff)

(Just then, Twila enters the room)

Twila: Sorry for being late, guys…I take it that’s a original song?

Damien: Yeah, several of them. (at this point, Matt is improvising a guitar riff on top of the bass line.)

Twila: I think you guys are onto something here!

(Some drums join the guitar and bass as the scene fades into the group planning a route to Moonvale)

[SONG: “Starstruck Road”]

Twila(voiceover): We see them every day on TV and magazines,
Living a life far beyond our wildest dreams
But here we have to settle for jamming in a garage,
Knowing we deserve such a grand entourage!

So let’s bid our lives of working hard and meaningless jobs goodbye
And take off down the starstruck road
To paradise!

(a guitar interlude as the scene fades into our heroes packing up for the journey ahead)

Twila(voiceover): Now I know that all those superstars live somewhere far away
But I would do anything to prove we’re here to stay!
I’d fly around the world for sure, or walk a thousand miles
All for the chance to prove to the press that we’ve got the hottest styles!
the scene fades to show the boys loading the last of their gear in a trailer)

So let’s bid this town that we know and love and the people there goodbye, (a crowd of people wave goodbye as the blue van starts and begins traveling down a street)
And travel the starstruck road
To paradise!

(guitar solo as we see scenes of our heroes traveling, with their route represented as a red line on a map)

Twila(voiceover) Yeah, I know that becoming a star’s not easy,
And that many more have tried before and failed…
But I wanna be the one that is known for years to come!

So I’m bidding the life that I once knew and the person I was goodbye,
And taking the starstruck road
To paradise!

We’re taking the starstruck road to paradise! (we return to our heroes on the road as the song ends. By this time, night has fallen, and they still have a ways to go before reaching Moonvale)

To Be Continued…

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