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Guitar Hero/Rock Band: The Movie (SB’s version), part 5

After taking a quick break, here’s the next part of my imagined Guitar Hero/Rock Band: The Movie.

Part 5

(At this point, the girls are asleep in the back, Matt is engrossed in the map, and Damien is focused on the road.)

(Matt rolls up the map and is about to doze off when he hears a yawn behind him. He turns around and sees Iris waking up)

Matt: Everything okay back there?

Iris: Yeah…I’m just curious to know when we’ll get to Moonvale…

(Matt grabs the map, which is marked with the planned route)

Matt: Not for a while.

Damien: We’ll have to stop over somewhere to spend the night. (and so our heroes drive on, unaware a familiar black car lurks on a side path)

(Back with Thunder Rising, they’re scouring the road for another band bus to chase down when our heroes pass by.)

Boy #1: Hmph…just another car packed with college kids off to the beach…

Boy #3: But what if they are a band in disguise?

Boy #1: We’ll know if we find them climbing towards our rightful place on the charts, okay? For now, leave them alone. (the other band members sulk as the black car disappears down another route)

(We return to our heroes as they arrive at a motel in the next town. The girls are especially relieved to get out of the car)

Iris: I am so glad we’re not driving any more tonight! (she stretches)

(Twila, meanwhile, spots a familiar black car racing by on the road)

Twila: That wasn’t what I thought it was, was it?

Damien: That was Thunder Rising all right–and as long as we’re not in a band-sized bus, we’re fine.

Iris: But what about similar sized vehicles that carry tourists?

Damien: Like Greyhound buses? They leave those alone. (After checking everything over, he leads everyone inside their room)

(We fade to see the gang relaxing in their room. Matt, however, is watching a news report of yet another scandal supposedly caused by Thunder Rising)

Matt: You know, I’m beginning to worry about these Thunder Rising guys…what if they really are as dangerous as advertised?

Damien: Turning tail and running will only empower them to keep doing what they’re doing!

Twila: Are you implying we should turn around and go back after all this way?

Matt: N-no…

Iris: I’m not turning back yet!

Twila: Damien has a point, Matt–the reason why no one’s done anything about Thunder Rising is they’re afraid of retaliation. Knowing that people fear them, they keep doing more and more nefarious deeds until the situation gets to something like now.

(Matt thinks about this–Twila and Damien have plausible explanations as to why Thunder Rising continue to wreak havoc with no one trying to stop them–but is his fear of them part of the problem?)

Matt: So what can be done about them?

Iris: Someone’s going to have to stand up to them! And I’d love for us to be that band that finally stands up!

Damien: We’re due to hit Moonvale in the morning–and no matter what happens, no matter what Thunder Rising does to us, we have to stick together and overthrow them!

Twila: So, Matt, are you going to continue feeding Thunder Rising’s reign of terror, or are you going to be courageous and stand up to them?

Iris: If you say you’re afraid of what will happen if we do stand up, that’s okay–we’ll be here to support each other.

Matt: You’re right, guys…I have my fears over what they could do to us, but Damien’s right–someone needs to give them a taste of their own medicine.

Iris: That’s the spirit!

Matt: Besides, if we try and we still fail, at least we might inspire someone else to stand up to them.

Damien: Yeah…but we’ll see what happens when we arrive in the morning. (he flicks the TV off) Let’s hit the hay for tonight. (and so, everyone gets ready for bed)

(Matt just weakly smiles as Twila emerges from behind a changing screen in a nightgown)

Matt(thinking): Thanks, Twila…maybe your advice will teach me to face my fear.

To Be Continued….

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