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Guitar Hero/Rock Band: The Movie (SB’s version), part 6

Get your popcorn and settle in for the sixth part of my imagined Guitar Hero/Rock Band: The Movie.

(The camera pans over the scene of our heroes sleeping before looking out at the moon and stars. After a few seconds, the starry night fades into a sunny day, and our heroes are back on the road again)

Damien: There it is, gang…

(Matt and the girls jostle to get a view of the Moonvale skyline off in the distance)

Iris: It’s beautiful!

Matt: Just like I imagined it would be!

Twila: Don’t stay in the clouds for too long, everyone–we have a rival waiting for us there…

(Silence as the gang remembers their main mission: knock Thunder Rising off their lofty spot at #1)

(The scene fades to show the car parked in the driveway of a house overlooking the beach.)

Iris: Your summer digs sure are nice, Damien.

Damien: Thanks–my family and I always used to come up here every summer–and before I left for campus, they told me that I could come back here during breaks Thankfully, I still keep in touch with the friends I made here–it’ll be interesting to see if any of them have connections to the music biz.

(Just then, the notes of “Walk, Don’t Run” fill the air)

Damien: That would be my phone, guys. (everyone else giggles as Damien reaches for a red cell phone inside one pocket of his shorts) Hello?

(The screen splits to show a black haired boy on the other end)

Boy: Hey there!

Damien: Lucas! I haven’t heard from you in a while….

Lucas: I heard you and some friends were on the way up for Spring Break. Okay if I come over and meet your friends?

Damien: Sure! Bring pizza too!

Lucas: You got it!

Damien: See ya later, bud. (he hangs up, making the screen return to normal.

Twila: Who was it?

Damien: That was Lucas, one of my penpals here–he got an internship at Celestial Records for this spring and summer, and our last few letters have been talking about what he’s doing over there–and how he wishes Thunder Rising would stop bugging the bands there.

Iris: So we have a way to get through to the record companies?

Damien: Possibly–and a definite publicist for sure. He’s really passionate about music, and knows how Thunder Rising typically operates; so we have some line of defense againt them.

Matt: He sounds like a nice guy.

Damien: Oh, he is! (he continues unloading his gear for a moment) We’ll talk with him about our strategy over pizza, okay?

Everyone: Yeah!!!!

(The scene fades to show Lucas and the gang in the house’s living room. Some pizza boxes are scattered acoss the coffee table)

Lucas: So you guys want to try and take down Thunder Rising despite the rumors?

Iris: I’ve heard enough of promising talent being run out of here because of them…it’s time a band stood up to them.

Lucas: I feel the same way too–so while I’ve been working at Celestial, I’ve done some research over what they’ll typically do to help you combat them. (he spreads out some papers detailing Thunder Rising’s profiles and other information) They tend to work in secret, and rarely, if ever show up in peson, except to one of their own gigs.

Matt: Mm-hmm…

Lucas: You’ll first get a threat to leave in the style of a murder mystery note…that’s usually what creeps out a band.

Twila: You mean the kind with taped up letters from a magazine?

Lucas: Yeah, that kind of note. Most bands flee after getting that. Go farther and they’ll try to frame you for something they did. But I’ve helped a few bands through those kinds of messes, so you’re in good hands if that happens.

Matt: Okay…

Lucas: The last thing they do is attempt actual physical harm–fortunately, no one’s died from that yet; and I’d hate for you guys to be the first.

Iris: My thoughts exactly.

Lucas: However, if you can find their secret hideout and leave a note challenging them, they will accept it…and then usually proceed to blow out the other band with their songs. Best time to do this is after you get the mystery note.

Iris: Noted.

Lucas: But I’m interested in hearing some of your songs…

Damien: Come on into the basement, then!

(the scene fades into Lucas listening as the band performs “Limelight”)

To Be Continued…

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