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SB’s Idea Machine: Guitar Hero/Rock Band: The Movie (part 1)

After getting another story about a possible Guitar Hero/Rock Band: The Movie, I’ve decided I’d put in my idea of what such a movie would be like–with a little help from Seventh Sanctum (a great site for generators–you name it, they most likely have a generator for it.)

But anyway…this first part will introduce you to the heroes of my imagined movie and give you a little plot.

Meet the Bands

The hero band is named Estrellas–so named because of the heavy emphasis on stars in the band’s clothing. Comprised of four friends who dream of rockstar glory, they’re about to brave the ups and downs on the road to stardom, and show the world that the best music of all comes from the heart.

By contrast, the rival band, Thunder Rising, is no different from 90% of bands you normally hear on the radio–same old lyrics, uninspired guitar solos, heavy on the synths; you get the idea. They rule the music world of Moonvale (the town where in the movie’s world, the best bands get noticed) with an iron fist, and will go to any lengths to stamp out competition, including some, well, questionable tactics.

Our Heroes

Name: Twila Ruiz

Age: 20

Responsibilities: Vocals

Appearance: Medium length black hair, slender yet muscular build, tan skin, and brown eyes. Her typical outfit is a black shirt with a silver star on it, jeans, and deep brown shoes.

Personality: While the other girls on her block were playing with dolls and obsessing over boys, shopping, and makeup; Twila was either beating the boys at a video game, skateboarding, or rocking out. While not outspoken to the point of acting first and thinking later, Twila will not hesitate to tell you the truth on something, even if the truth hurts. Her honesty has earned her many people’s respect, and is considered the de facto advice giver in her circle of friends. She began singing at an early age, and while her parents wanted her to sing songs of a less grittier nature, a stunning performance of “Call Me” in the high school talent show changed their tune. Now, she dreams of escaping the drudgery of college life and making it big in the music world–an adventure that changes her life–and those of three of her friends–forever.

Name: Iris Benton

Age: 20

Responsibilities: Bass guitar, songwriting

Appearance: short auburn hair, green eyes, with a wiry build. Typically wears a basketball themed T-shirt, shorts, and tennis shoes

Personality: Iris is the go-getter of the group, and when not on the basketball court or jamming with Twila and the others, she’s planning some sort of crazy excursion. Not surprisingly, her energetic “let’s go” attitude tends to grate on the nerves of the boys. However, when the situation calls for it, she will rouse her friends–or the band–with a pep talk. Despite her seemingly endless supply of energy, she does know when to take charge, something that will prove important in the band’s quest for stardom.

Name: Matt Buchanan

Age: 19

Responsibilities: Lead guitar, songwriting

Appearance: Short black hair, blue eyes, thin build. Typically wears some kind of sweatshirt, jeans, and tennis shoes.

Personality: Matt was quite shy growing up, and very timid; preferring to read or make Web pages instead of the more rough and tumble games the other boys played. That all changed when he received his first guitar before going into the sixth grade. Playing guitar allowed him to open up around people, which earned him the sense of belonging he wanted so much growing up. His best friend, Damien, convinced him to try playing in public one day in hopes to boost his confidence further; which ultimately led him on to open mic nights and joining up with the girls. Will he be able handle the attention that comes with being a star?

Name: Damien Anderson

Age: 19

Responsibilities: Drums

Appearance: Sandy blonde hair, green eyes, wiry build Usually wears a Hawaiian shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes.

Personality: Damien is a very friendly and laid back kind of person, and knows how to look at the bright side of even the most darkest situations. He is very supportive of the people he loves, and will do whatever he can to encourage them–sometime with dramatic results, including his friend, Matt. He began learning the drums as a way to kick the habit of drumming on everything else out of boredom. He treats Matt almost like one of his own siblings, and as a result, became one person that Matt and the girls could entrust with their worries, dreams, and hopes. But can he hold his bandmates together on the sometimes bumpy road to stardom?

So? Like my four heroes? Can you imagine them on the big screen in a version of Guitar Hero/Rock Band: The Movie? Let me know!

Happy gaming,

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