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Over the next few days gamers will get their chance to finally play the úber-hyped Star Wars: The Force Unleashed as it hits shelves across the globe. So should you be rushing out to buy it? Or is it another Star Wars dud? I've had a look around the net at what the critics are saying.


Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Review Round-up

Over the next few days gamers will get their chance to finally play the úber-hyped Star Wars: The Force Unleashed as it hits shelves across the globe. So should you be rushing out to buy it? Or is it another Star Wars dud? I’ve had a look around the net at what the critics are saying.

Over the next few days gamers will get their chance to finally play the úber-hyped Star Wars: The Force Unleashed as it hits shelves across the globe. So should you be rushing out to buy it? Or is it another Star Wars dud? I’ve had a look around the net at what the critics are saying.

Gamespot – 7.5 (ouf ot 10) “When the game caters to its strengths, it soars; when it deviates, it flounders. Regardless, it’s still a more than worthy entry in a long line of licensed Star Wars games, and a good action game in its own right.”

IGN – 7.3 (out of 10) “Uninspired level design and some tedious enemy battles mar an experience that gives you power over the Force like we’ve never really seen before. While it’s far from perfect, Star Wars fans will find that it’s worth playing through simply for its story and the ability to use the Force in fairly awesome ways.”

Eurogamer – 7 (out of 10) “As a (Star Wars) fan you will want to experience what The Force Unleashed has to offer. It’s just a shame that while there are occasional moments of brilliance when everything falls into place, they’re not quite enough to back up the game’s delusions of grandeur.”

Gametrailers – 6.9 (out of 10) “The secret apprentice has a palatable action game, which for a change, is strengthened by its license and story. It initially delivers on its promise, but it erodes over time due to the monotony and meager difficulty that discourages exploring the combat’s complexity. Long ago in a galaxy far, far away, things like telekinesis and laser swords were enough, but now games need to back up tech with substance. This is where Star Wars: The Force Unleashed turns to the dark side.”

GamingTrend – 80% “While the Force Unleashed might not completely live up to the incredible hype befitting a Star Wars title, it is still a worthy entry into the Universe.”

So there we go, the reviews are in. I wish I could say this looks like an incredible Star Wars game, but in truth Star Wars: The Force Unleashed just looks like all the others – an OK game that can’t quite live up to the hype, a common problem with Star Wars games. Should you buy it? Maybe if you’re a fan of the films, if not, then you should probably rent it first since it’s apparently only about 8 hours long, or at least play the demo on Xbox Live. No doubt it’ll still sell loads though.

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