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The Rant Zone: What I Like in a Game

Inspired by the article in the newswire about what girl gamers like, here’s what I like in my games:

–Story: Being a writer, I care a lot about a game’s story. I want to like one or more of the characters and cheer them on. That said, I don’t really like shooters unless there’s a very good reason you’re killing anything that moves (saving the world is an acceptable reason)

–Characters: This ties into story–I want to see the cast grow and develop as the adventure goes on. That said, the game makers need to give every character a reason for me to care about them.

–Music: I’ll admit it, I love (, oh love) game music. From the Mario theme to the Halo theme, if it has a nice tune (bonus points if you can sing it), a good beat, and it fits the mood; I’ll be more likely to enjoy the game–and snag the MP3 of one or more songs.

Bonus points if you can guess the origin of the “love (oh, love)” bit.

Happy gaming,

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