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Blizzcon 08: Starcraft II Single Player Details

Blizzard designers revealed new details of Starcraft II’s single player campaign during a panel at Blizzcon today.

Players will take on the role of Jim Raynor in the Terran campaign. The campaign will begin at Mar Sara, the point of first contact with the Zerg in the original Starcraft.

“Depending on which missions you choose and which order, you may open up five planets [at once],”

When the game begins, Raynor is facing a losing battle against the Terran Domninion which is led by Arcturus Mengsk. A new character named Tichus Findlay will be introduced. Findlay is a close friend of Raynor and comes to visit him in a bar during an in-game cutscene. He explains that the Terran Domninion is looking for artifacts and offers to split the profits with Raynor if he will help locate the objects.

After the cutscene, the game switched back to in-game bar environment where the player can interact with the game’s environment and objects. The player can then talk to Findlay on a variety of subjects, demonstrating that the game can transition from a dialogue to a click interface.

Mission briefings are now accomplished through dynamic cutscenes with objective and briefing maps integrated into character dialogue.

During the middle of a mission, a Battlecrusier swoops down to rescue Jim Raynor, a loading screen then occured, following up with a cutscene detailing the escape. A news broadcast occured thereafter detailing Kerrigan, the Zerg queen, has overruned Mar Sara.

“You’re going to see units that are in the single-player campaign that may not even show up in multiplayer,”

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Co-Founder & Owner of MonsterVine. You can reach me via e-mail: or on X/Twitter: @williamsaw.

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