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Motorstorm: Pacific Rift Used 37 Miles of Toilet Paper to Complete

Yes, you heard it from Nigel Kershaw himself! 37 miles of toilet paper! Here’s a trailer while you ponder on how much 37 miles really is:

Motorstorm: Pacific Rift comes out tomorrow, Tuesday, October 28th in North America and will have Trophies, split-screen, online and time-trials as well!

Just something Nigel wanted to share with us: his carbon footprint:

Number of pizzas consumed during development: 1,454
Number of Chinese takeaways consumed during development: 4,231
Number of curries consumed during development: 678
Miles of toilet roll used during development: 37

Think of the starving children in Haiti that could use that food, or that could use that comfort on their poor butts. I mean seriously, everyone in America lives as a king, even those homeless people eat like kings compared to other countries.

In essence kids – don’t waste food and toilet paper creating video games for other rich spoiled kids!

And then we all go and buy some games for our PS3 this weekend and forget all about this.

MotorStorm Pacific Rift: Lunatics Unite! [PS BLOG]

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