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PixelJunk Monsters “Thank You” Patch

New PixelJunk Monster Difficulties!

Game Difficulty Setting

You can now choose between Sissy Casual, Regular Ranked and Hard-core modes that change the game’s difficulty. Casual is not ranked, neither is Hard-core, Regular is ranked, so it does have leaderboards. You can even continue through Story Mode with Casual Rainbows, of course the Hard-core rainbows look nice in their yellowish gold type colour.

PixelJunk Monster Rainbows!

Tower Menu Selection

Sometimes I accidentally sold a tower after recently selling another, now you can default the upgrade menu to come up always when you select a tower, pretty nice.

PixelJunk Monster Towers!

Tower Balancing

If you purchased the expansion, Encore, you will have known about how the Tesla Tower was refined and how the Ice Tower was reduced in cost, this happens on both islands now.

Video Recording / YouTube Support

PixelJunk Eden got it, so will PixelJunk Monsters, it’s only fair.

XMB Custom Soundtrack Support

So I’m planning on purchasing the PixelJunk Eden soundtrack when I put money in my PSN account next week, I’m planning on listening to that while playing PixelJunk Monsters again.

PixelJunk Monster Trophies!


But why would I play it again? The Trophies, duh. Great thing here though, is that you don’t have to re-rainbow every level, you simply have to complete “Trophy Challenges,” pretty much constraints on how you beat certain levels. Some look and sound terribly time-consuming, others seem to be easy enough.

We’ll find out October 23rd for you lucky Japan players and October 30th (My Birthday) for SCEA and SCEE territories. Isn’t that just wonderful? I think it is, and here’s Dylan Cuthbert with a nice new video:

PixelPatch: PJ Monsters Updates Incoming [PS BLOG]

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