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SB’s Top Ten: Things to Do While Waiting For a Game You Ordered

Like I said before, I’ve ordered a copy of Final Fantasy 3 DS–and I’m beside myself with excitement! Thing is, it’s not due to arrive for another day, so untill the arrival window opens on Saturday, here’s some of what I’ve been doing to stave off the boredom:

10. Check the order status
9. Play all your other games, again
8. Finish what commitments you have for the next month
7. Write
6. Read a walkthrough of whatever game you ordered
5. Hijack a printer to print said walkthrough
4. Check the mailbox every two minutes once the arrival window opens
3. Watch for the delivery person
2. Listen to what music you have from the game
1. Count down the hours, minutes, and seconds until your game arrives

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