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Playstation Network

Motorstorm: Pacific Rift Online

I’m sure those who have purchased Motorstorm: Pacific Rift have been enjoying it, but online play is fun too! This new Motorstorm has undoubtably surpassed the previous one. Some major improvements were made in many fields, here’s just one of them:

Playing online is always more fun with friends, and we wanted to make it as easy as possible to do so. We’ve done this through Groups; these are quite simply a way of keeping friends together. They are initiated by sending a friend an invite; when they accept they become part of your Group, and wherever you go they then go with you, until they decide to leave (or if you choose to kick them from your group). Groups can be up 12 players, but when playing Ranked it is only possible with groups of 4 or less (to avoid cheating).

It sounds like this IP is really shaping up! To read the other improvements, check out the below link:

MotorStorm Monday: Pacific Rift Online Play Basics [PS BLOG]

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