Subject: We lived past our first week, w00t!
Bcc: staff[at], readers[at]
Its been a week since the site first launched and there was certainly a lot of question whether or not this is real in my thoughts. But, here we are past our first week officially and still going on strong as a team but also as an entity. I will admit, there was alot of slowdown here at the MonsterVine in its first week, it was partly traced back to our new commenting system – IntenseDebate – which is certainly living up to its name given by the responses of our recent editorial haha. If you haven’t already, sign up for our commenting system…it is worth it.
But now I have pinpointed and fixed the problem, there should be no more troubles and I even managed to integrate a little bit of social love with our commenting sidebar finally in play to your right. The sidebar was initially due when the site launched, but due to troubles had to be scrapped at last minute, however it is now back in action, ready to serve the community needs. Slowdown shouldn’t necessarily be a problem as I integrated a super cache [that’s right, its super] into the system, making pages load faster for visitors.
Now, it all comes down to a matter of content, which I am sure the staff is diligent upon after taking some time this week getting to know and talk to each other despite our differences in time zones, regions, and positions. I am hopeful for future collaboration among the staff, as we advance the vision of MonsterVine. I really don’t expect much content this week, as here in the United States, Thanksgiving weekend is imminent, so for staff members like myself and those living here we are about to wind down and enjoy a wholehearted family get-together. But once everything is back to status quo next week, we will continue delivering the content you want and I’ve still got a good plenty more ideas I want to implement into the MonsterVine system.
Until then, enjoy The Vine Podcast – Episode #2 going up today and use our little commenting space to tell us what games you’ll be playing this weekend!
William Saw
Editorial Manager [at] MonsterVine

November 27, 2008 at 2:48 am
Hmm, what will I be playing this weekend? Carry on playing Gundam vs Gundam of course, I'm addicted, when i'm not playing that I'll get drunk or play Tales of Symphonia.
November 27, 2008 at 12:50 pm
Enjoy your Turkey you wild Americans. Try not to go too overboard while you're gone. ;p