We’ve reached the finale of our awards celebration, who won the coveted Game of the Year award? Click to find out!
Metal Gear Solid 4 | Konami / Kojima Productions | PS3

Metal Gear Solid 4 has won MonsterVine’s coveted Game of the Year award for 2008. 2008 presented us with numerous standout titles making it difficult for a clear choice to be seen. Games such as Fallout 3, LittleBigPlanet, Prince of Persia, Lost Odyssey and others were noteworthy among our staff members as potential GOTY winners. It took weeks of deliberation and intense debate among our staff, eventually resulting in a stalemate going into the holiday season. However, a Christmas miracle occured and a winner was decided a day before our official reveal.
Metal Gear Solid 4 is ultimately the fitting choice for the Game of the Year award. Hideo Kojima’s masterpiece succeeds in fusing a cinematic atmosphere with great stealth action gameplay. You can’t help but feel for the plight of the rapidly deteriorating Old Solid Snake as he commits to what becomes his final mission to stop Liquid Ocelot from unleashing nuclear devastation upon the world. The game is filled with nonstop twists and turns that will keep you guessing till the end and is enough of a lasting value in any gamer’s collection. If you have not picked up this game for the PLAYSTATION 3, you are truly missing out on a satisfiying experience from start to finish.
Congratulations to you, Metal Gear Solid 4, thank you to our talented staff members and recurring readers. We wish you a Happy Holidays and most of all, Happy Gaming!

December 27, 2008 at 9:02 am
Niiiiiice. Grats to Hideo Kojima for making this blockbuster and this whole damn series. You are the true gaming legend. Sad to say he'll never read this D:
December 27, 2008 at 11:30 am
Well be sure to congratulate him when we meet him one of these days. :p