Earlier this week, Andy Jackson and Craig broke the news on MonsterVine that DICE was working on Battlefield 1943, a downloadable only Battlefield 1942 sequel, coming to the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC this summer.
Based on Kotaku’s hand-on impressions, we can conclude the latest entry of the series is geared to be pick up and play friendly. Set to retail for $15 to $20, the game will include three classes: Infantry, Riflemen, and Scout. However DICE has balanced the title so that players could be formidable in any situation regardless of their chosen class, each is equipped with weapons that could take down a heavily armed tank.
With the player cap set to 24, the game will offer players with unlimited ammunition and regenerative health. In order to gear itself to a wider audience, DICE has removed any indication of team-based gameplay.
Running on the Frostbite engine, destructible environments are now incorporated similar to what players experienced in Battlefield: Bad Company. Expected to come out this summer, Battlefield 1943 will ship with three maps.