It’s been a while since the last Newswire, so here are just a few PS Blog articles:
MLB 09 The Show – NEW Roster Vault Feature [PS Blog] The new Roster Vault Feature is worth a looksie for those who enjoy MLB!
Sony PlayStation at NBA All-Star Weekend [PS Blog] Some NBA stars got their PS3’s custom-engraved, go check out the Obama PS3 and LeBron “King” James PS3! Live Q&A with Guerrilla Games [PS Blog] Here’s that Live Q&A with Seb Downie!
MotorStorm: Pacific Rift Game Update 1 Now Live [PS Blog] Some fixes like a Motorstorm Helmet icon showing when saving is being performed, better picture quality, leaderboards are easier to understand, you can back-up your data and the boost exploit is gone. Game Update 2 is underway.
Metal Gear Online – SCENE Expansion Details! [PS Blog] The new SCENE Expansion brings 3 new maps and two new characters, Raiden and Vamp!
Noby Noby Boy Coming Tomorrow on PSN [PS Blog] Still not psyched for Noby Noby Boy? Neither am I, but here’s a trailer, it’s $5 and has Trophies, what do you say?
Sack it to Me (the V-day Aftermath Edition) [PS Blog] WipEout HD Mini-pack is coming! And that’s about all the good news, $3.
Zuma Available Today on PSN [PS Blog] Not only was Bejeweld 2 a HUGE success, but now there’s Zuma as well!
[PS Blog] Awesome new trailer that you can now view on the PS Store, a playable version with director commentary will be released in March as well. Just to show off the engine. “Killzone in 4-D:”
MLB 09 The Show – Lighting Explained [PS Blog] Ever wonder how lighting was done in games? Take a look in this article to find out how many steps a single object goes through to see what you see in the game.
PlayStation Expands to Latin America [PS Blog] Those in Latin America rejoice, after 2 years of the US having the PS3, you now can purchase them there and other PlayStation merchandise! 13 countries (unnamed) have been added to current countries.
Catch inFamous on Spike TV Tonight [PS Blog] A view at Cole’s female antagonist and the first boss fight!
RESISTANCE: RETRIBUTION…GOLD! [PS Blog] Some PSP love, Resistance: Retribution has gone gold! Watch an interview with a member of Bend Studios and don’t forget March 17th.
Humbled, Honored and Hooray’ing all day!!! LittleBigPlanet AIAS awards recap! [PS Blog] Read as how Media Molecule is humble while boasting!
God Of War III, MAG Coming This Year, Says Sony [Kotaku] Don’t forget about the upcoming games this year: MAG, GoWIII, inFamous, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, Heavy Rain and MLB 09: The Show!