Here’s the latest Nintendo news:
—DSi comes to NA on April 5
—First Avalon Code NA trailer
—Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time coming to Europe in March
—Loads of DSi stuff
—Possible European DSi date to be announced soon?
–Fanboys: Who they are, what they do (both good and bad), and how they impact the gaming industry (SB’s pick!)
—Games aren’t always what they seem
—Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World coming to Europe sometime this year
—Gaming may prevent dementia, not cause it (SB’s pick!)
—RUMOR: The Mega Man movie that never made it?
—New Dragon Quest 9 screens
—Iwata sheds some light on the real Project Sora
Stay tuned for breaking news and updates throughout the day.
Happy gaming,