This newswire is completely orgasmic! You’ll be reading about God of War III, MLB09 The Show, Noby Noby Boy, Flower and inFamous! Honestly, you readers should be excited with all this news! This has been a pretty huge week for the PS3. If only MAG was talked about, this would probably be the week of the PlayStation, or not, you never know.
God of War III! Press Event Q&A and New Trailer [PS BLOG] Pretty much, God of War III has been given the hugest press event with a new trailer in the link along with some paraphrased questions and answers. Game looks solid, will the game hold up?
Attention To Details: The Little Things That Help MLB 09 The Show Shine [PS BLOG] Expect mascots, new jumbotron videos, better crowd animations, LED and K Boards and more!
Call of Duty: World at War – Map Pack #1 Coming in March! [PS BLOG]
This pack includes 3 new multiplayer levels: Nightfire, Knee Deep and Station. It is intended to bring you a variety of different MP environments – from the dark streets of Berlin in “Nightfire,” to the lush Pacific jungles in “Knee Deep,†to a bombed-out subway platform in “Station.â€
Along with Verrückt (Zombie Asylum), a new Zombies level where you can use Perks from a vending machine!
New inFamous info at NYC Press Event [PS BLOG] inFamous is shaping up to look like a solid title. Check the link for lots of images and some news on the game itself, information on the gang powerhousing the city and the Goliaths!
Free Magic Ball, Cuboid & Mahjong Tales: Ancient Wisdom PS3 Themes [PS BLOG] I personally downloaded the Cuboid Theme, it looks the best. You can expect to see Booster Packs for these three games, including levels, level editors, Trophies, themes and more exciting features! So be ready for the packs soon!
Close out the Winter with PSN’s Spring Fever [PS BLOG] Regardless of what any Groundhog has to say about Spring, Spring started yesterday with Flower‘s release and you will see more and more games roll around in the new Spring Fever tab in the PlayStation Store! To name a few titlres:
– Noby Noby Boy
– No Gravity
– Wheel of Fortune
– Burn Zombie Burn
– Ragdoll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic
– The Punisher: No Mercy
– Bomberman Ultra
– Flock
– Comet Crash
– Watchmen
Hopefully this includes Spring Fever price reductions!
Haven’t Tried MotorStorm: Pacific Rift Yet? New Demo Coming Today [PS BLOG] The first Motorstorm: Pacific Rift probably didn’t get you to buy the game, maybe this one will? I guess that’s the hopeful plan anyways.
Flower Available Today [PS BLOG] This is a new game on the PSN that will soothe players as they play, meant to get them to relax. Players control the wind with the SIXAXIS, reports of the controls are positive. Here’s a video with the song, “Catch the Wind”:
Lumines Classic Pack Coming Today, Celebrates 4 Years of Block-puzzling Fun! [PS BLOG] Expand your LUMINES Supernova skins with this new expansion! 4 years ago Lumines first appeared on the PSP and has since grown. 20 skins are in the pack. It is $4.99
PlayStation Network Video Content Update [PS BLOG] Geoff Keighley from Spike’s GameTrailers TV is joining the PlayStation Video Store!
I Love Ninjas in PlayStation Home [PS BLOG] Some really exciting new features are being added to HOME, such as (and like): Ninja costumes purchasable now; Street Fighter IV costumes mostly unlocked via the game; the Warhawk & SOCOM rooms [finally]; a new Gamer’s Lounge to lounge about and gain new friends and tonight is an event, “I Love Ninjas” actually, go to the Gamer’s Lounge tonight and wear something relatively close to a ninja!
MLB09 The Show Community Preview Event [PS BLOG] Read about how the Preview Event went for MLB09 The Show!
Noby Noby Boy is… [PS BLOG] Undescribable, so says its creator. But that’s what was strived for when creating the game, so all is well. But honestly, reading the description given by Keita Takahashi does not convince me of it. Read for yourselves.