Raven Software has released twelve new screenshots of the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC versions of X-Men Origins Wolverine. The game borrows elements from God of War which includes 40 levels for players to mow enemies through.
From what we have gathered from Joystiq’s hands-on impressions, the game is obviously a believer of the viseral carnage seen in God of War. Moves and combos are likened to God of War, like the reminiscent spin attack. The difference we gathered is that Wolverine regenerates health in real-time, following the canon from the comic book series that he is practically invincible.
There is a emphasis on a lock-on feature that makes Wolverine speed through levels, killing enemies almost instantaneously. Differing from God of War’s quick time sequences of mashing certain buttons, Origins Wolverine seeks to seemlessly balance that feature with gameplay as for example you’ll be using the same buttons for attack and dodge in those sequences as you did playing it normally.
Influences from Uncharted are also evident as it containts platforming to the extent where Wolverine will be interacting with environment such as climbing walls.
Here’s some screenshots to wet your appetite for this title.