Ah yes, April Fools Day, the gaming industries time to bring out the jokes and have a good laugh fooling the gullible. Last year we saw Kojima mix Metal Gear and Assassins Creed, which ended up being a real announcement, IGN making a surprisingly good fake Zelda Movie trailer and Kotaku buying gamecakes.com and became Kaketaku. Lets see if this year can live up to the fun.
Just Typical Kojima humour here. The next game will focus around Campbell with all his kane powers.
Nintendo have started a Wii Expand service that will make M rated updates of their favourite franchise, they show an example of a gory Brawl, there will be blood…If only.
Dragon Quest IX released in Japan Today
Akibablog show images of the midnight launch in Japan. It attracted quite the crowd.
Nintendo reveal a slick new DS with a phone feature. Looks like a good rival to the iPhone.
Blizzard reveal a new Diablo III class, A new Starcraft II unit and PvP dance battles.
Next Valve game, starring Gabe Newell
Hellrazer, a tactical PC FPS starring Gabe Newell with it’s own dedicated controller, will also include a special edition with a making of DVD. A definite buy from me.
Ostrich Hammer for Red Faction: Guerrilla
They have listened to the Internet and have decided to add a Ostrich Hammer into game.
Umbrella Corp Needs Bailout
The company could go bankrupt in June and need $100 billion in aid.
Killzone 2, Secret Mutliplayer Character
To unlock the Visari and other main villians you need to type in a few special cheat codes.
Yodel your way to stardom with this take on the Guitar Hero franchise.
This one is actually real, they are lowering the cost of the DLC for Oblivion by half for the next week, but are doubling the price of the horse armor to 400 points in the spirit of April fools day.
Of course these are only the best of the tons of fake news out there. It’s good to see the companies and sites aren’t trying to make this serious and just do it for a good laugh.