The amazing April Fools Day Prank the Ostrich Hammer is now actually going to be an unlockable weapon in Red Faction: Guerrilla.
We had no idea the reaction to the video would be so positive and that gamers would really like to kill someone with a very large bird.
Luckily for all of you, the team here had already created this hammer for RF:G’s MP component, but we really thought about doing something special to show it to the world. As mentioned in the video, without the original thread over on NeoGAF, this hammer would not have been made. I guess there was a plus side to having pre-alpha screenshots leaked out to the internet by mistake…
As you can see from the screenshots above (and our quick MS Paint mashup from the video), the Ostrich hammer will be available as a Multiplayer unlockable when the game ships in June! This isn’t all though, because over the next few weeks, we’re going to have a ton of new information here about multiplayer including more hammer unlocks, new modes, the amount of changes we made based on your feedback during the MP beta (A LOT), and a few other MP surprises. So stay tuned and keep checking back for more or we’ll have to ostrichcize you!
This game has really got my attention now, before I was on the fence, but I’m really considering getting this game. If reviews are positive I will be getting this on launch.

April 3, 2009 at 9:13 pm
This game is now awesome.