I figure it’s time for another newswire, don’t you? Here’s what I got:
Uncharted 2‘s online beta is packaged with inFamous, people think it’s bad, like with Crackdown/Halo 3, but it sounds great!
inFamous Shocks Us With Uncharted 2 Multiplayer Beta [Kotaku]
We have some Cops and Robbers footage for Burnout: Paradise! Cosplay involved:
Check out the new X-Men Origins: Wolverine trailer in PlayStation HOME! Just log in and go to the theatre to watch it!
Exclusive Wolverine Clip in PlayStation Home [PS Blog]
The latest “Sack it to me” LBP post, chock-full of staff’s picks on levels, winners of the famed Crown and a couple of images on the Heavenly Sword pack, for $2.99
Sack it to Me – The “Picks, Crowns and Fry’s†Edition [PS Blog]
Check out some Noby Noby Boy multiplayer action!
Also read up on what Takahashi went through for GDC!
Noby Noby Boy Multiplayer Update [PS Blog]
Better get on HOME, not just fro the X-Men Origins: Wolverine trailer, but to visit the EA Sports Complex Space!
Lot’s of mini-games!
[PS Blog]
New Mahjong Tales: Ancien Wisdom layouts and even a level editor for your mahjong fix!
Mahjong Tales: Ancient Wisdom Booster Pack Hits PSN Today [PS Blog]
Trash Panic has players play a Tetris-like game where the pieces don’t fix, where the player must think of whether or not some trash will get crushed by others and if similar items will be ok to burn and etc. Can’t wait to learn how to be even more environmentally friendly!
Celebrate Earth Day with New Trash Panic Screens and Details! [PS Blog]
Killzone 2‘s V1.24 patch adds a much-needed “Join Clan Member” feature, along with many other fixes and adds. Some include a filter for games of 17-24 players and an enlarged HUD radar!
All other fixes can be found here: Killzone 2 FAQ