Yes, the “Top 5” weapons submitted for the Captain Qwark’s My Blaster Runs Hot Weapons Contest Sponsored by Gadgetron have been announced, and it’s your duty as a citizen to vote for your favourite weapon!
Voting ends Friday, April 24th and 12:01 PST. Winner is announced at the International Comic-Con in San Diego and will get a life-size replica of the weapon!
Even though your “shoe-in” weapon design did not make it, these did:
– The Plasma Sprinkler Glove
– Spiral of Death
– Bubble Shot
– Qwark Machine
– Super-Sized Sticky Hand Toy
You can get details for these weapons, see the art, and vote for your favourite at!
Vote now! Insomniac’s Ratchet & Clank Future Weapon Contest is on! [PS Blog]